Coaching The Whiteboard Way

Coaching for



If you are a creative entrepreneur or artist this is for you! There are unique challenges that you face & it can be lonely & defeating sometimes. But we believe that what you are doing matters & so it matters that you are here, doing what you were made to do. We have coaches who specialize in working with creatives & want to stand in your corner. 

Coach Kim & Coach Mitch work with creatives around the world & have programs specially designed with the you in mind. Let us find the right coach & program for you.


Programs Available:

Goal Setting intensive

This program is designed for those of you who desire to live intentionally & establish goals that are in alignment with your mission & vision. During this half-day session, we will take a detailed & strategic look at your life & business. You will walk away with a personal profile, character & impact statements, written goals, & an action plan.  

This program is available as a one-on-one session (in person or virtually) or as a workshop for groups.

one-on-one coaching

Accountability is crucial to success. Athletes have coaches for a reason. It’s because they know that at some point they will want to give up, not practice, eat a get the picture. BUT the coach's success is tied to the athletes success, & so the coach does everything possible to encourage, spur on, push, motivate, challenge, & inspire the athlete to accomplish THEIR goals. I want to be this person for you.

Over the course of 1 year, I will walk with you to set & move intentionally toward your goals.

ideation sessions

We love brainstorming with you about your dreams & ideas! If you or your team are stuck, unclear, or unsure we want to help. Sometimes you just need an outside perspective.

Whether it is a project or new business idea, we are here to give you that needed perspective & get a plan in your hands so that you can take it to the next level!

Options of 2 and 4 hour sessions are available with 1 or 2 professional coaches.