Coaching The Whiteboard Way


Goals & More!


3 Reasons We Don't Live Up to Our Potential


Everyone has potential, but not everyone lives up to it. It’s up to us to decide which side of the equation we’ll fall.

I believe at full potential there is GREATNESS. You may not be President, famous, or a CEO, but you’ll be great nonetheless.

So if greatness is so attainable, why don’t we meet it?


Here are three reasons why:

We can’t see past our circumstances.

We all have challenges we must overcome and obstacles we must face. If you give up in the thick of them, you forfeit greatness. But let’s be real – it’s hard to see past our circumstances. They’re real. They pose real threats and create real emotions.

This isn't about conquering your circumstances - it’s about not allowing them to define you.

But there are circumstances that can stop us. Maybe a health issue or unexpected life change that drastically changes your way of life and how living out your purpose looks. But here’s the thing: your purpose and your greatness isn't about your job, health, marital status, or your financial situation. It’s about your impact.

We all make an impact. It’s up to us whether it’s positive or negative. And you can make a positive impact - regardless of circumstance.


We don't know our potential.

Knowing your potential comes from knowing yourself.

Unfortunately, self-awareness is in short supply. It can be messy and painful to dig up our skeletons and talk about our past. But not dealing with things doesn't make them go away - they just keep piling up. And whether you realize it or not, you and all of your relationships are affected. So don’t let it all pile up. Talk about it. There’s freedom and healing in vulnerability. Find a safe place to do that.

But knowing our potential is not just about digging up your past. It’s also about knowing who you are. Do you know your strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes? For most of us, those questions are more challenging than we thought they would be. We have each been created to be uniquely us; unfortunately too many of us are trying to be someone else.

Know yourself, and define yourself by truth. In that we discover our potential.


We need inspiration.

In the book, “Wisdom Meets Passion,” Jared Angaza says, “Few forces are greater than a truly inspired individual.”

People who are truly inspired will move mountains to accomplish their goal. And when they fail, they don’t stop. They try something new until the need is met.

What inspires you to be great? What kind of movies are you drawn to? What breaks your heart? When do you feel most alive? Most creative? Do you make those things a part of your daily life?

To maximize our potential we must be inspired, and then we have to do something.


Look past your circumstances. Know yourself. Be inspired. Be great.


*To find out more about The Whiteboard Room please visit our 'About us' page.

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